Tuesday, October 30, 2007

RSS & the recovering over-reader

So my RSS feed experience has been not dissimilar to my experience with tagging, fine & dandy and should have happened a long time ago. The difference is that I actually had control of the RSS beast once before, but I let it get out of hand: too many feeds. I'm sure I could have skipped all my classes and stayed home all day to read rss when I was in college and eventually ended up ceasing to read them altogether besides a random few who I'd been reading for so long that their urls are permanently fused into my circutry (if the metaphor is broken its okay I'm not a elctrowiz). SO with this activity I've turned over a new leaf I've added to my Google Reader only the feeds related to 2.0 and those hardwired urls.
Mostly these blogs have stuck with me because i find them humorous or thought provoking and so I thought I should shared these because probably anyone could use a little laugh or to have their brain poked at.



krl2pt0 said...

having been a former bartender, waiterrant was a great find -- thanks for posting it.


Anonymous said...

Good post.