Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hint: A trip to Siam Garden, Court St, Brooklyn, NY would be nice this Valentine's Day

These are a few of my favorite things.... (permisson to daydream)

Siam Garden, Court St, Brooklyn, NY
Because it's not one of those fancy-shmancy places thats all booked up for V-Day. I really like their Thai art on exposed brick walls with votives on the tables. Also on V-day they have Lava Tofu which is just about the best. Also ideally the awesome toy store down the street wouldn't have closed and you could pick out toys for each other on your way to dinner. (Try to look tough walking through Fulton Mall on the way home.)

Pike Place Market, Seattle, WA
Browse Dio Del Los Muertos figurines & milagro charms at Milagros Mexican Folk Art gallery. At Cafe Yarmarke get a bowl of awesome borscht & a piroshki or two, the owners are wicked nice. Then go fiddle with instruments in Lark In The Morning Musique. Smell things in Tsing Momo. Get the newest COLORS in the big stand at 1st & Pike. Wander down to the French bakery for an almond latte. take a bus to the Frye museum, debate how to get my stuff in a museum.

manhattan, nyc
people watching over endless coffee at the Skyline diner. gallery cruzing at the Met. sketching around the skylit greek statues. go see a movie at the Anglika or another cinema. Tanti Baci would be the last stop but get off the subway a stop or two early for browsing & people watching. Wendy would be the server, so you'd feel like a guest in her home instead of like a customer.

Candle light only. DJ Cheb i Sabbah on the CD player. Lasagna in the oven. A nice cab-sav.

at work, libraryland
well, I really will be there. It would be nice to have a non-work email in my work email work inbox... It would be nice if the customers were nice or scarce or both...

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