Tuesday, March 3, 2009

joy by post

pirate bandaids
pirates are awesome. and bandaids should have cool stuff on them to help people feel better.

chocolate makes people feel happy. their favorite chocolate if I know it.

small collage
well, I'd base it on who it was going to. it would make them smile & maybe remember something I did that made them laugh at some point.

wind-up toy
traiin, hopping bird, wobbly robot

pocket-sized hand-made blank book
because people should at least be invited to keep track of their thoughts, especially when in new situations

Yellow Butterfly Doom Bag, better than a towel.

black & silver wallet
for coffee & groceries. for gas for the van.

so I can make "to do" lists for myself & also to help me feel in control of my life.

red journal, full
because I haven't blogged my book list out of it yet

wanderlust journal, empty
because the red one is full

mango lotion in a bottle
my hands get dry from processing books and washing pint glasses

asiany blue zip bag, large
It holds my knitting, currently an anatomical heart knit in pink-purple-brown stripey sock yarn, also a click-clack row counter, tapestry needles, pattern instructions, a pen, cabling needles, and a london shot glass trying to get to the kitchen.


pebbley beret
to keep my head warm and to stave off dumb questions in yarn stores

asiany blue zip bag, medium
mp3 player & headphones, to allow me to instantly inprove my mood while driving, sorting books & sewing.

digital camera in blue felt zip bag
in case something awesome shows up

glue stick & double sided tape
in case something else awesome shows up

mini tin
pills, for too sleepy, allergies, or aches

packet of pirate tissues
in case I forget to put a hankerchif in my jeans' pocket

black pens, loose
for the books that need writing in, or to write notes to myself on the back of my hands

How to (Un)Cage a Girl: Poems by Francesca Lia Block
in case I have to wait in a line or in case I run out of things to go online.

I wish I could move to Brooklyn

I perfer the city, and I love New York. Home would feel more like home if it were in New York. Subways instead of cars. Awesome vegetarian takeout everywhere.
I wouldn't have a studio, but I probably would craft more because I'd be living among my supplies and I wouldn't be freezing my butt off when I'm out there at the sewing machine or easel.
Really I might have more room becaue I'd be sharing with one person instead of three. And it would just be us, more room for both of us. And I have colorful stuff that could be everywhere instead of just in our bedroom so it would be home.