(The room is my bedroom, but in varied incarnations, the best of one smooshed with the best of another.)
clouds of paper cranes hanging from the ceiling, twisting about with every flury movemeent causes. incense curling up among sandlewood, vanilla, ylang-ylang candles. comfy chair with an automaton. Tansu chest full of yarn stash. lots of book shelfs. loft bed like a nest. stereo to hook mp3 player to, Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack, full collection of Modest Mouse and DJ Cheb i Sabbah. easel in the corner by the window with a shelf of paint & art supplies. closet of pinstriped skirts, combat boots, asian brocade blouses. full lengh mirror made of many small mirrors hung next to each other. jars of marbles on the windowsils with light shining through. a desk in front of the window big enough to sit cross-legged with your laptop while watching the people walking by, children dancing to the synagogue, fighting for love's sake outside the bodega.